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Archive for October, 2002

Thank god Halloween mostly

Posted by jackie blue on October 31st, 2002

Thank god Halloween mostly happens at night. My repairs to my costume are very last minute and rushed and I think look TERRIBLE. But the parade is in the dark and will be crowded, and who is going to look that closely at my costume, right? RIGHT? And it’s just going to go in the garbage later. All that money down the trash chute. Anyway, even though it’s not a great costume and I’m going to freeze my ass off tonight, it should be fun. After all, how many more years do I have left to act like a 4 year old?

OK, it’s freezing out

Posted by jackie blue on October 30th, 2002

OK, it’s freezing out today. Looks like I’d better get those alpaca scarves done and fast, it’s gearing up to be a cold winter if it’s this cold in Oct. Then again, it was still summer just 3 weeks ago, so who can tell anymore.

SnB very fun last night. We still managed to pack the back of the room despite the fact that the place was mobbed before we even got there. I guess all these students run for the hills when they see a bunch of crazy knitters coming.

Today I’m going to see the original Japanese version of “The Ring”, that scary movie that is so big now. The original is supposed to be even scarier. Hmmm…I wonder if my date later tonight will have to comfort me.

Well, let’s hope job

Posted by jackie blue on October 29th, 2002

Well, let’s hope job karma is as good as my yarn karma. I left myself a half hour to walk to my interview but I walk really fast, and had 15 minutes to spare. Was that enough time to walk 6 blocks further to the yarn store, see if they had my yarn, and make it back for my appointment? I determined it was, and ran over to the LYS. Searched around the Rowan area, didn’t see any Lurex at first, then turned around and there was maybe 4 or 5 skeins of it, that’s all, in a little basket on a table. Two of them were exactly the color I needed. I only needed one. I bought it and made it to my appointment exactly on time. Yay!

Interview went really well, so cross your fingers. If all goes well, I’ll have a steady stream of projects to work on in early 2003. I think I can sweat it out till then if I know there’s stuff coming my way.

OK, off to beg

Posted by jackie blue on October 29th, 2002

OK, off to beg and plead for some freelance work in a few. Maybe I’ll get some knitting done this afternoon, maybe not, but SnB is tonight (and Betsy is coming, yay!) so I’m sure to get a fair bit done tonight. My meeting is right near The Yarn Connection, so I think I’ll pop in and see if they carry Lurex Shimmer so I can buy an extra and make my life a bit easier.