I just got caught in a total downpour. I thought the hurricane was supposed to be LAST week. Anyway, my shoes are so wet I had to take them off and my pants are soaked up to my thighs. I don’t think the rest of the office will appreciate if I take THOSE off.
Well, Latifa is coming along nicely. I received the oatmeal color a couple of days later than the other colors so to fill time I started doing the ruffles between the color blocks I already had and I decided this is a good way to go — I will just alternate knitting the body with adding ruffles to break it up. I will take a photo or scan the scarf soon.
Sunday was the Knit Out in NYC but I wasn’t all that impressed with last year’s so I just passed through quickly while they were setting up early, and grabbed a few patterns. Then later I stopped by again just to say hello to my friend Debbie and see her new book which should be on the shelves in a couple of weeks. The book looks GREAT and will surely get some new people into knitting.
Well, time to dry off and get some more knitting done.
i came in early and work in a very small office and sat her with my pants rolled up, shoes/socks off too this morning. i too was debating whether the pants should go and if i could get them on quickly enough from the tiem someone opened the door and walked to my office
Left by kay on September 23rd, 2003