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Archive for October, 2003

Blood on Halloween, appropriate, right?

Posted by jackie blue on October 31st, 2003

My bird is bleeding again, both wings this time. He must be picking at new blood feathers. I don’t know what’s going on with him but he’s going to the vet in a little while. This is too nerve-wracking even though he seems otherwise fine.

Parade tonight - no knitting going on today. Maybe tomorrow.

Will this scarf ever be done?

Posted by jackie blue on October 30th, 2003

Well, Halloween costume complete, freelance work in limbo, and I could be knitting today. Should be. This computer is like a magnet and I spend most of my time doing needless tasks rather than getting more important things done. I want to finish Latifa before it’s cold. We’ve gotten a little break from the chill and it’s near the 60s this week and it promises to be even warmer on the weekend so I have a little time. But I need the motivation.

I also still need to think of a project for the newest grandniece. She lives in LA so there isn’t much of a need for very warm things out there. Any ideas?

I guess I need to climb outside of my own head and get moving on some things. It’s really too lovely out to sit around and be mopey.

Miss Conduct

Posted by jackie blue on October 28th, 2003

No knitting for the past few days. Today at work I’m putting together the props for my Halloween costume. The past few years I have joined friends for a group venture in the Village Halloween Parade. I live on the parade route, so it’s either stay prisoner in my apt. from all the crowds on the sidewalks, or, join in and march in the parade. When you can’t beat ‘em…

Anyway, you can see past photos here and here. This year’s will remain a little secret, though there’s a hint right here.

I will probably get to knitting more of Latifa later today. Gotta love these slow work days.

A Must Have

Posted by jackie blue on October 24th, 2003

I just got Deb Stoller’s book in the mail today. Thank you Deb! It’s SUCH a great book - full of really easy instructions and diagrams and some really cool patterns. It was fun to look at patterns by some of my virtual knitting friends (Hi Becky!) and there’s even a little mention of me in there somewhere. I miss the Stitch and Bitch meetings SO much (damn Tuesday job) and this book just brightened my cold day.

Last night went to the UCB Theatre for their Fast Times at Ridgemont High Live show. It was fun, but not quite as good as the previous Pretty in Pink show which had me in tears of laughter. It was DAMN COLD though and we stood outside for almost an hour. Brrrr. How did winter get here so fast??

Gonna work on the Latifa scarf a bit today, since it’s a slow work day. The weather will not wait for me.